The Impact of RPA on Employee Experience
Succeeding in any digital transformation initiative requires engaged employees. With firms across geographies and industries now focused on harnessing robotic process automation (RPA) and capturing its well documented benefits, businesses recognize the need to keep employees at the core of their change efforts. View the study.
Succeeding in any digital transformation initiative requires engaged employees. With firms across geographies and industries now focused on harnessing robotic process automation (RPA) and capturing its well documented benefits, businesses recognize the need to keep employees at the core of their change efforts. Deploying RPA is a multifaceted task that must not be taken lightly.In this study,
Forrester conducted eight interviews and gathered data from a survey conducted in August 2018 with 100 decision-makers at manager level or above from operations groups, shared services, finance and accounting, HR, and other core business lines to evaluate the effectiveness of RPA on employee engagement and experience. We found that firms are increasingly concentrating on employee experience, as they tackle the changes being wrought by automation and RPA, and operating model issues and psychological barriers that could hold back RPA efforts.Ultimately, ensuring that employees are engaged and happy enables organizations to capitalize on the transformative potential of RPA.