Industries & Applications

Anything that can be automated, will be.

Applications & Use Cases

Finance & Accounting

Robotic process automation (RPA) is rapidly changing the accounting and finance operations, arguably faster than any other piece of modern technology.  

Human Resources

RPA is dramatically automating this labor-intensive processes and transforming HR back to finding, developing and nurturing talent.

Public Sector

State and local agencies using RPA have seen significant cost savings and efficiency gains — an early indicator of the unprecedented value it can bring to the Public Sector overall.


RPA can help in-house legal departments, as well as independent law firms, automate many repetitive legal and compliance tasks.


RPA is helping to transform the health care industry by putting the focus back on patient care and not on the administration.

Information Technology

Your IT teams are buried with busywork. Our production-grade automation platform is low-code, workflow based, and is purpose-built to promote reuse across the enterprise.

By 2021, 86% of companies say they will hit ‘breaking point’ and will need intelligent automation to keep up.

Our Top 10 automations summarized in one simple video.

Alirrium Top Ten

RPA has emerged as a "game changing" technology that can help businesses of all kinds streamline operations and cut costs.

“Automation of various activities can improve the performance of almost any business process. Beyond enabling reduction in labor costs, automation can raise throughput, increase reliability, and improve quality, among other performance gains”.
-McKinsey Global Institute